Leicestershire County Council Claim Inaugural MAST Award at 2012 Conference
February 29, 2012
National Signposts 2012
October 30, 20122011 Road Casualty Data Goes Live!
We have spent the last couple of weeks number-crunching and system checking and we’re pleased to announce that full 2011 data has been processed and are now in MAST Online. The arrival of the update, on schedule, in early August allows users to get ahead with their analysis of key road casualty trends; offering the opportunity to do comparative analysis with neighbouring authorities or the national picture.
Stats19 Changes
The following dimensions or elements have been removed from MAST after changes made to the Stats19 form by the Department for Transport. These are:
The dimension ‘Casualty School Pupil’, and the corresponding ‘Crash Involved...’ dimension
The dimension ‘Casualty Working in Carriageway’, and the corresponding ‘Crash Involved...’ dimension
The element which distinguished motorised and non-motorised vehicles, which was the top level of the ‘Vehicle Type’ hierarchy (also used in ‘Casualty Type of Related Vehicle’)
Your Existing Reports
Due to the DfT changes to Stats19 and the abolition of the distinction between motorised and non motorised vehicles, you may experience some initial difficulties when accessing saved reports which contain the ‘Vehicle Type’ dimension. This is because the hierarchy changed at the top level.
This isn’t a bug but an avoidable consequence of these Stats19 changes. The best way to rectify any issues with saved reports containing this dimension is to recreate them from scratch.
If you have any issues when doing this, please post them on the forum
It is likely that you will experience problems with reports which contain either of the two deleted dimensions. As your existing reports will not be able to be recreated with these dimensions in, we are afraid the best thing to do would be to delete these reports.
Provisional Tabs
The provisional tabs are still in place and contain provisional data up to June 2011. Please work in the main tabs for complete 2011 data. In December, the provisional tabs will be updated to June 2012.