RSGB Analysts Network Launched
April 24, 2017
RSA Directors at Safer Roads 2017 Conference In Auckland
May 24, 2017RAPTOR
Developed by Newcastle University, RAPTOR is a software application for predicting collision hotspots and evaluating site-based road safety interventions. RSA are supporting the development team in the promotion and use of this tool in the UK.

Evaluating the effectiveness of on-road interventions such as as signing and enforcement schemes is sometimes over-simplified. Simply comparing before and after results does not provide an estimation of the effect of trend (change in collision rates elsewhere on the network), or regression to mean (RTM). Allowing for these confounding factors is possible and has been demonstrated in previous studies. The problem is that it often requires the use of complicated statistical software and trained professionals.
RAPTOR allows road safety professionals to carry out evaluations of schemes and the assessment of hotpots using a web-based tool that is free to access and simple to use. The data requirements are very simple: